Master the Art of Brewing Espresso Using a French Press: Step-by-Step Guide, (espresso using french press)

In this article, we will teach you how to master the art of brewing perfect espresso using a French press. With the right equipment and technique, you can enjoy a delicious and satisfying cup of homemade espresso. Follow our step-by-step guide and impress your friends and family with your barista skills. Let’s get started!


To begin your journey into the world of exquisite homemade espresso, the first step is to gather the essential tools and ingredients. You will need a French press, high-quality coffee beans, a burr grinder, a kitchen scale, and a spoon. The French press, also known as a press pot or plunger pot, is a classic and straightforward device for brewing coffee. It consists of a cylindrical glass, metal, or plastic container with a plunger and a built-in filter screen. This method of brewing espresso using the French press creates a rich and robust flavor that is favored by many coffee enthusiasts. The high-quality coffee beans are the foundation of a remarkable cup of espresso, so be sure to select freshly roasted beans that suit your taste preferences. A burr grinder is recommended for grinding the coffee beans to a consistent and uniform size, which is crucial for the perfect extraction of flavors. Additionally, a kitchen scale will assist you in accurately measuring the coffee grounds and water for brewing, while a spoon will be handy for stirring and handling the coffee grounds and hot water.

Once you have assembled all the necessary equipment and ingredients, it’s time to embark on the journey of creating your own exceptional espresso using the French press. The process may seem intricate at first, but with a systematic approach and attention to detail, you’ll soon be savoring the delightful results of your efforts.

Boil Water

Boiling water is a fundamental step in the espresso brewing process. The water you use should be of high quality, free from any impurities or off-flavors that could affect the taste of your espresso. Fill a kettle with fresh, cold water and place it on the stovetop or a heat source. Allow the water to reach just below boiling, ideally between 195°F to 205°F (90°C to 96°C). This temperature range is commonly recommended for brewing espresso as it facilitates the extraction of the coffee’s aromatic compounds and flavors, resulting in a well-balanced and full-bodied cup of espresso. The use of an electric kettle with temperature control can be advantageous in achieving the precise water temperature needed for the brewing process. As the water heats up, you can proceed with the next steps of preparing the coffee grounds and the French press.

Grind Coffee Beans

Grinding the coffee beans to the ideal coarseness is a critical aspect of the espresso brewing process. The grind size directly influences the rate of extraction and the overall flavor profile of the coffee. For brewing espresso with a French press, a coarse and consistent grind is recommended. The coarser grind is advantageous in the French press brewing method as it allows for better filtration and prevents the grinds from passing through the plunger. Using a burr grinder, which offers precise control over the grind size, grind the coffee beans to a coarse, even consistency that resembles coarse sea salt. It is important to note that grinding the coffee beans just before brewing is essential for preserving the freshness and aromatic qualities of the coffee, ensuring a delightful and flavorful espresso experience.

Add Coffee Grounds

With the freshly coarse-ground coffee at the ready, the next step is to add the measured amount of coffee grounds to the preheated French press. The recommended coffee-to-water ratio for brewing espresso with a French press is typically around 1:14, although individual preferences may vary. Using a kitchen scale to achieve precision, measure the appropriate amount of coffee grounds according to the desired serving size. For example, for a single cup of espresso, a common starting point is 28 grams of coffee grounds to 400 grams of water. Adjustments can be made based on personal taste preferences, but maintaining a consistent ratio is key to achieving a well-balanced and flavorful cup of espresso. Once the coffee grounds are in the French press, you are one step closer to the culmination of the brewing process.

Pour Hot Water

With the coffee grounds in place, it’s time to introduce the element that will extract the rich flavors and aromas from the coffee – hot water. Begin by pouring a small amount of hot water, approximately double the weight of the coffee grounds, over the coffee grounds in the French press. The purpose of this initial pour is to saturate the coffee grounds and initiate the «bloom,» a process in which the coffee grounds release carbon dioxide, creating an optimal environment for the extraction of flavors. Allowing the bloom to occur for about 30 seconds before continuing with the pouring of the remaining water can significantly enhance the aromatic and flavor characteristics of the resulting espresso. As you pour the water, ensuring an even and gentle distribution over the coffee grounds is essential to promote uniform extraction and a balanced flavor profile in the finished espresso. This meticulous yet gratifying process brings you one step closer to relishing a remarkable cup of homemade espresso crafted with care and precision.

Stir Gently

After the addition of the hot water, it’s essential to stir the coffee and water mixture gently to ensure that all the coffee grounds are fully immersed and evenly saturated. This gentle stirring action aids in promoting uniform extraction and the full release of flavors, contributing to a well-rounded and balanced cup of espresso. Using a spoon or stirrer, carefully agitate the coffee grounds and water, making sure to reach any dry or high spots and create a consistent, smooth dispersion. A deliberate and gentle approach to stirring is advised to avoid excessive agitation, which could lead to over-extraction and the introduction of unwanted bitterness into the espresso. With the mixture carefully stirred, the stage is set for the culmination of the brewing process, as the coffee grounds and hot water unite to create a harmonious and flavorsome espresso.

Let Coffee Steep

With the coffee grounds thoroughly immersed in the hot water, allow the captivating alchemy of the brewing process to unfold as you let the coffee steep for approximately 4 minutes. This period of steeping is crucial for the extraction of the desirable flavors, aromas, and essential oils from the coffee grounds, leading to the creation of a rich, full-bodied espresso. During this time, the interaction between the coffee and water works its magic, resulting in a brew that encapsulates the unique characteristics of the coffee beans and the careful craftsmanship of the brewing process. As the minutes elapse, anticipation builds for the unveiling of a delectable and invigorating espresso that reflects the dedication and artistry involved in its creation.

Plunge Filter

As the minutes of steeping draw to a close, it’s time to bring the brewing process to its finale with the deliberate and steady plunge of the filter in the French press. With a slow and controlled motion, press the plunger down to separate and filter the coffee grounds from the liquid, leaving behind a perfectly extracted and tantalizing espresso. The mesh filter of the French press effectively traps the coffee grounds at the bottom of the container, allowing the liberated espresso to rise to the surface, exuding its enticing aroma and rich, golden-brown hue. The act of plunging is not only the culmination of the brewing process but also a gratifying display of the transformation of the carefully prepared coffee and water into a sublime and nuanced espresso, ready to be savored and enjoyed.

Pour and Enjoy Your Homemade Espresso

With the brewing process complete, it’s time to savor the fruits of your labor and indulge in the exquisite pleasure of a homemade espresso. Gently and steadily pour the freshly brewed espresso into your chosen cup, taking care to appreciate the mesmerizing aroma and velvety texture as it fills the cup. The rich, complex flavors and the alluring crema of the espresso are a testament to the meticulous process and the quality of the ingredients and equipment employed. Whether you prefer to enjoy the espresso as it is or use it as the foundation for a luscious cappuccino or latte, your dedication to mastering the art of brewing espresso using a French press has resulted in a remarkable and gratifying coffee experience. Sip, savor, and revel in the moment as you delight in the exceptional flavors and the undeniable satisfaction of enjoying a cup of espresso that embodies the essence of craftsmanship and passion.


In conclusion, mastering the art of brewing espresso using a French press is simple and impressive. By following a step-by-step guide and using quality ingredients and tools, you can enjoy a perfect cup of homemade espresso. Just remember to take your time, experiment, and enjoy the process.

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